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EARLY Retirement

My name is Dave Early and I am a retired police officer now living in Thailand. My website is basically a blog of my motorcycle travels and adventures in S.E. Asia, This post is a quick summary of my law enforcement career and my decision to retire.

Dirty Cop Caught “Testilying” by Supreme Court – FALSE!!!

Dave Early was NEVER accused of being a dishonest cop. False accusations and personal attacks are being posted on the internet by a few malcontents. The true facts. and documents, are presented here.

U.S. State Department Travel Info-Thailand

This is the current travel and country information by the U.S. State Department. Click on their link to “Background Notes” for some interesting history of Thailand.

U.S. State Department Travel Info-Laos

This is the U.S. State Department Travel Information on Laos. It is not really as bad as they make it sound………..

When the Killing Hour Arrives

There had not been any executions in Thai prisons for some six years. Without any notice, someone decided for two prisoners, “Today you are going to die!”

“Saving Face”, Lies and Deception

For me the most frustrating part of living in Thailand is the fact that you cannot trust ANYONE! This is one of the most depressing and troubling parts of living here. Yes, everything is not life in paradise…………

Where the Heck Are You??

Not everyone is familiar with S.E. Asia. Here you will find maps with waypoints to the main locations with links to an associated story. Just click.