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Doi Phu Kha Loop

A stunning rainy season ride into the mountains of Nan Province. The Doi Phu Kha Loop is one of the best rides in Thailand.

Huay Xai Mapping Trip

Crossing the Mekong River
A trip to Chiang Khong where we view the catch and slaughter of the Giant Mekong Catfish. Onward for my first crossing of the Mekong River by wooden boat.

A Visit to Padaung Long Necks and a Lisu New Year

First Ride & Guns and Poses Road Tour

Friends in High PlacesThis is the story of how I met David Unkovich, the Golden Triangle Rider. It also tells the story of my first outing with true “Round the World” travellers, the story of the “Red Haired Singer” and breaking new ground on the Burmese border.